

What causes post-infection coughs in adults?

If you've been sick, thought you had recovered, but still have a nagging cough that doesn't go away - you're definitely not alone. The Canadian Medical Association Journal is tackling the subject. Global BC medical contributor Dr. Birinder Narang explains what causes this cough and if it's contagious if you don't have any other symptoms.

The 10 Best and Worst Foods for Your Kidneys, According to Dietitians

Learn what to eat more of and what to limit to support healthy kidneys.

How Kohlrabi Can Boost Your Health: Tips From Nutrition Professionals

This article examines the potential health benefits of kohlrabi, a cruciferous vegetable, from the perspectives of three health experts. These experts suggest that kohlrabi may help reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases, maintain gut health, ensure weight management, and control the level of glucose and cholesterol in the body. The article also discusses the potential benefits of kohlrabi in terms of Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and...

Can You Lose Weight Eating Peaches? A Review By Nutrition Professionals

Health warning issued for UK takeaways — here’s how it might affect you and how to cope

Calories aren't everything.

Professional Faqs: How Did You Find Out That You Had A Brain Tumor?

Expert opinion from Jagannathan Rathinavel MBBS · 2.2 years of experience · India Brain tumor is commonly present with focal neurologic deficit, such as contralateral limb weakness, visual field deficit, headache or seizure. It often causes increase in intracranial tension leads to nausea, vomiting, double vision. Cerebellar hemisphere or brainstem...

Hide the saltshaker: Adding sodium regularly to food increases risk of chronic kidney disease

Excess salt can come from the intake of some fish and meat.

4 qualities of mentally strong people: Check yourself

Mentally strong or resilient individuals are often described as those who achieve great feats despite significant challenges. Yet, we rarely speak of ourselves in that light, thinking we lack self-assurance or due to our imperfections. RBC-Ukraine, based on Psychologies, discusses the qualities of mentally strong individuals. Psychological resilien...

We must change the prejudices of mainstream medicine against lifestyle intervention

Lifestyle medicine prevents and reverses many chronic conditions and even auto-immune ones.

Hear From The Nutrition Professionals On Lentil, Plus Serving Sizes, And Health Risks

What to do if you wake up at night and can't get back to sleep, according to expert

Getting a decent night's sleep is important for our health, but a lot of us don't get the recommended eight hours. Three-quarters of Brits get less than eight hours of sleep, while one in six get by on less than six hours each night, according to YouGov. Meanwhile across the pond, over 17 per cent of adults had trouble staying asleep most days or e...

6 warning signs of melanoma and how you can prevent it

The 15 Best Places to Retire in the US

Start planning now.

Health Matters: U.S. surgeon general declares gun crisis

The U.S. surgeon general is declaring gun violence a public health crisis, amid a growing number of injuries and deaths involving firearms in the country. Amandalina Letterio has the details and more in Health Matters for June 26, 2024.

Scientists discover that people who live past 90 have key differences in their blood

Centenarians have become the fastest-growing demographic group in the world, with numbers approximately doubling every 10 years since the 1970s. Many researchers have sought out the factors and contributors that determine a long and healthy life. The dissolution isn't new either, with Plato and Aristotle writing about the ageing process over 2,300 ...

Health Matters: Game-changing technique could boost organ transplants in Canada

Doctors at Lawson Health Research in London, Ontario have used a new technique to give kidneys and livers to four patients that typically would not have been viable for transplant. Nivrita Ganguly has the details and more in Health Matters for June 27, 2024.

How to make yourself more attractive, according to science

Simple but effective...

What is geopathic stress – and is it a threat to our health?

If you’ve never heard of it, you won’t be alone.

How Does Coconut Milk Help Remove Tan? A Review By Nutrition Professionals

Expert opinion from Livia Dickson Chen PhD in Nutrition · 11 years of experience · Brazil I don't see how coconut milk can act directly in removing the tan. The tan will disappear naturally through cell renewal and from the moment the skin is no longer exposed to the stimuli of melanin production, whether in natural or artificial tanning. Perhaps a...

Texas Supreme Court upholds ban on youth gender transitions. It's the largest state with such a law

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — The Texas Supreme Court upheld the state’s ban on gender-affirming care for transgender youths Friday, rejecting pleas from parents that it violates their right to decide on and seek medical care for their children.

How Long Does Adderall Stay in Your System, How to Detect It & More

The detection window for Adderall varies based on the test you take but it can stay in your system anywhere from 12 hours to 90 days. Find out why and how.

Warning signs that you have a vitamin B12 deficiency

Telling kids the truth about a parent's illness can help ease worry, grief: experts

Before delivering the bad news to his children, Matt Brown had to think hard about how to tell them he had a newly diagnosed disease that was progressing quickly, had no cure and would ultimately kill him.

Nutrition Professionals Share Their Insights On Mung Bean: How Much To Eat And What To Avoid

This article provides perspectives from two experts on the possible side effects and quantity recommendation of mung bean consumption. It also discusses other topics related to nutrition such as heart healthy diets, the DASH diet, fruits and vegetables supplements, and cholesterol. The article serves as a source of information to help readers understand the benefits and risks of mung bean consumption. The abstract of this article is that mung...

Health Matters: Understanding connected health technology

London Drugs pharmacist Jarvis Li discusses how health tracking technologies can be used to maintain overall wellness.

Ask A Nutrition Professional: Is Yogurt Good For Health?

Expert opinion from Leticia Soares Postgraduate Degree in Public and Family Health/Bachelor Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics · 5 years of experience · Brazil Yogurt is a really healthy food. Yogurt is a source of proteins, calcium and probiotics, which are good bacteria that help us digest food, and may also reduce the risk of development of chron...

Amazon workers in Montreal worried about health and safety ahead of Prime Day

Some Amazon warehouse employees say sales day like Prime Day are costing them their health, while groups defending the rights of workers say there needs to be more accountability.

Check your child’s swimwear before you go on holiday — it could save their life

As COVID-19 ticks up in some places, US health officials recommend a fall vaccination campaign

NEW YORK (AP) — With fresh COVID-19 cases bubbling up in some parts of the country, health officials are setting course for a fall vaccination campaign.

Lupus and other autoimmune diseases strike far more women than men. Now there's a clue why

WASHINGTON (AP) — Women are far more likely than men to get autoimmune diseases, when an out-of-whack immune system attacks their own bodies — and new research may finally explain why. It’s all about how the body handles females’ extra X chromosome, Stanford University researchers reported Thursday — a finding that could lead to better ways to dete...

How Much Chayote Is Too Much? Nutrition Professionals Weigh In.

This article provides an overview of the quantity recommendation of chayote by three experts in the field of nutrition. It covers the nutritional benefits of chayote, such as its low calorie content, its rich fiber content, and its high levels of vitamins and minerals. Additionally, it provides tips on how to incorporate chayote into a balanced diet. This article serves as a valuable resource for those looking to learn more about the health...

Ask A Nutrition Professional: How Should Turmeric Be Ingested?

Expert opinion from Rukevwe Natufe MSc Nutrition · 1 years of experience · UK As a shot since the nutrients within this solution has more chance of being absorbed effectively. Achieving your dosage of turmeric in a high-quality blend enables you benefit from other delicious ingredients. An example is when your turmeric shot contains ginger you will...

Ask A Doctor: How Does Myeloma Affect Quality Of Life?

Expert opinion from Marcella Abunahman Pereira Specialization in Clinical Cardiology · 12 years of experience · Brazil Multiple myeloma (MM) is a cancer that forms in a type of white blood cell called plasma cell. Healthy plasma cells help you fight infections by making antibodies that recognize and attack germs. In multiple myeloma, cancerous plas...

Research reveals ideal number of steps per day

It is widely believed that the journey to a healthy and long life begins with taking 10,000 steps every day. For those leading a sedentary lifestyle, this target may seem like a challenging goal that requires some effort. However, in reality, the number of steps needed can vary for different groups, writes The Lancet. Researchers analyzed data from...

US miners' union head calls House Republican effort to block silica dust rule an 'attack' on workers

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — The head of the national mine workers’ union on Friday condemned what he characterized as an effort by House Republicans to block enforcement of a long-awaited federal rule directed at curbing workers' exposure to poisonous, deadly rock dust, calling it “a direct attack on the health and safety of coal miners.”

Brit who is new world’s oldest man reveals secrets to long life

Parsnip: How Nutrition Professionals Rate Its Health Benefits, Nutritional Value, And More

This article explores the benefits and side effects of parsnip consumption from the perspectives of two experts. Benefits include improved immune function, weight loss, and intestinal health. Side effects include allergic reactions and a possible sunburn-like reaction. Additionally, potential interactions with cholesterol-lowering medications and chemotherapies are discussed. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the potential health...

3 Creators On Why We Need To Talk About Mental Health & Wellness

“I’ve redefined what beauty means to me and choose to see myself and my body as beautiful,” body confidence creator Tiffany Ima told Refinery29 last month. That was just one of the wow-I-needed-this pieces of wisdom shared with us during Mental Health Awareness Month on Threads, where we partnered with Meta to host a series of interactive Q&As. Each chat put a spotlight on mental health, wellness, and other topics that are often not discussed...

11 dishes to avoid at buffets, as warned by food experts

Ottawa expands federal dental care program

The second phase of Canada's national dental care program has been rolled out. David Akin explains who else has become eligible; the politics involved; and who has voiced their concerns about the plan.

Takeaways from AP's report on access to gene therapies for rare diseases

The promise of gene therapy looms large for families dealing with rare, genetic disorders. Such treatments offer the possibility of one-time cures.

Do You Know the Health Benefits? This is Why You Should Eat Melon Daily

Incorporating melon into your daily diet during the summer is a refreshing and healthy choice.

Nutrition Pros Weigh In: Can Turnips Help You Shed Pounds?

This article explores the potential of turnips as a food for weight loss. It provides insights from three experts in nutrition, discussing the benefits of turnips in terms of their low calorie content, high fiber content, and potential anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects. Additionally, the article provides links to further resources on Mediterranean, Keto, Diabetic, and Weight Loss diets. This article is intended to provide information...

What Is the Average Height for Women?

Medically reviewed by Jonathan B. Jassey, DO The average height for women is different across the world. In the United States, the average height for women is 5 feet 3.5 inches tall. Globally, women's average height ranges from 4 feet 11 inches to 5 feet 7 inches. The average height for women worldwide varies significantly due to factors like genet...

Ask A Nutrition Professional: Is Dark Chocolate Keto Friendly?

Nevada verifies enough signatures to put constitutional amendment for abortion rights on ballot

RENO, Nev. (AP) — A ballot question to enshrine Nevada’s abortion rights in the state constitution has met all of the requirements to appear in front of voters in November, the Nevada Secretary of State’s office announced Friday, and Democrats across the nation hope similar measures mobilize supporters on Election Day.

Harvard Health Publishing Q&a: Aortic Aneurysm

What ae the symptoms of aortic aneurysm? Answered by Dr. Howard E. Lewine M.D. Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing · 40 years of experience · USA Most aortic aneurysms do not cause any symptoms. Usually they are discovered when an imaging procedure like an ultrasound test or CT scan is performed during screening or unexpectedly when the...

Top 5 Exercises That Can Add Years to Your Life!

Looking to add years to your life? Discover the top 5 exercises that can boost your longevity and improve your overall health. These simple yet effective workouts will help you stay fit, active, and youthful. Watch now to learn how you can incorporate these exercises into your daily routine and start reaping the benefits today! #Longevity #HealthyLiving #Fitness #Exercise #StayYoung #Wellness #HealthyHabits #LifeExtension Disclaimer The materials and the information contained on Natural ways channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. None of the information on our videos is a substitute for a diagnosis and treatment by your health professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provide.

Health Matters: Experts urge caution using fireworks ahead of Canada Day

Following last year's record fire season, experts are warning of the inherent danger in fireworks. Nivrita Ganguly has the details and more in Health Matters for June 28, 2024.

What drinking coffee every morning does to your stomach

That morning cup of coffee doesn’t just wake you up for the day, it also gives a boost to billions of friendly microbes residing in your digestive system. Because, according to a growing body of research, there is evidence that your espresso may positively influence your microbiome – gut bacteria – leading to better overall health and even a longer...