

We must change the prejudices of mainstream medicine against lifestyle intervention

Lifestyle medicine prevents and reverses many chronic conditions and even auto-immune ones.

Warning signs that you have a vitamin B12 deficiency

How many litres of water should you drink a day and does tea count?

Drink up!

4 Reasons to Claim CPP Benefits at Age 60

The CPP payout is a benefit every Canadian can avail of from age 60 or delay to age 70. Is it worth it to claim the benefit early? The post 4 Reasons to Claim CPP Benefits at Age 60 appeared first on The Motley Fool Canada.

8 reasons you feel tired all the time and what you can do about it

FDA approves a second Alzheimer's drug that can modestly slow disease

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. officials have approved another Alzheimer’s drug that can modestly slow the disease, providing a new option for patients in the early stages of the incurable, memory-destroying ailment.

Coriander Nutrition: Professional Advice for Optimal Health

This article explores the various health benefits and side effects of coriander as discussed by experts in the field of nutrition. The experts provide tips on how to incorporate coriander into one's diet, as well as the recommended quantity for consumption. Additionally, the article provides answers to frequently asked questions about coriander and its effects on various diets such as the Mediterranean, Keto, and Diabetic diets. The article...

Health Matters: Researchers identify genetic obesity trigger

Researchers have identified a genetic trigger for obesity that is believed to result in weight gain for about one in 5,000 people. Kyle Benning has the details and more in Health Matters for June 21, 2024.

Professional Faqs: What Are Common Triggers For A Lupus Flare?

Expert opinion from Marcelle Freire Doctor of Medicine · 3 years of experience · Brazil Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the body produces autoantibodies and immune reactions that are responsible for attacking its own tissues. It is a disease that develops more commonly in young women and in Afro-descendants. It usually affects multiple syst...

Is Coffee Good or Bad? New Study Finds the Answer in Your Genes

Scientists have been trying to figure out whether coffee is good or bad for our health for ages, and a new study has shown that the impact of drinking coffee depends on one's genes. The study also showed that a person's coffee-drinking habits depend on their genetic makeup as well, has learned. The study was conducted by an international ...

Chamomile tea: A natural way to stabilize blood sugar levels

Known primarily for its soothing properties, chamomile also has valuable capabilities to regulate blood sugar levels. It is worth having an infusion after every hearty meal. Chamomile tea after a meal is a great choice Chamomile contains plant compounds such as flavonoids and terpenoids, which can affect glucose metabolism and increase insulin sens...

Common Questions About Cat Health Answered By Doctors.

ing and diagnosing FeLV. This article discusses the effects of feline leukemia and provides expert advice from two veterinarians on how to prevent and manage the virus.

Balancing boron: Essential for health but often overlooked

Boron is a trace element essential for maintaining health, even though we are often unaware of it. A deficiency can lead to serious health issues, making it essential to consume adequate amounts of this microelement daily. Health benefits of boron. There are really many Boron has anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. Even though we consume i...

High Blood Pressure Warning Signs: What To Look Out For

Overview High pressure in the arteries (vessels that carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body). Symptoms varies from person to person and generally include unexplained fatigue and headache. Symptoms If you're experiencing new, severe, or persistent symptoms, contact a health care provider. Most of the people are symptomless, others may ex...

Lose weight without going to gym: Simple tips to follow

Losing weight can be challenging for those who dislike exercising. While healthy eating and regular physical activity are crucial, incorporating unexpected and enjoyable activities into your daily routine can help burn more calories and maintain motivation on the path to a healthier lifestyle, writes New York Post. In particular, the article shares...

Professional Faqs: Is It Good To Eat Fresh Asparagus?

Expert opinion from Cassia D Muller Bechelor in Nutrition · 2 years of experience · Brazil Yes, asparagus is a low-calorie food, in 100g, it has only 20kcal, being an excellent ally of weight loss diets, in addition it is a source of vitamins A, C, B complex and minerals such as calcium, iron and potassium. It is rich in inulin, a nutrient present ...

Heart health is dependent on knowledge: Global study reveals what information cardiac patients need to thrive

A new study sheds light on the critical role of patient education in managing cardiovascular diseases. Researchers examined the information needs of over 1,600 heart patients from diverse regions, revealing significant insights into the challenges faced by individuals dealing with heart-related issues. Cardiovascular diseases continue to impact millions of people worldwide. Patients who have lived through a cardiac event (such as a heart attack)...

Health Canada approves weekly insulin injection for Canadians with diabetes

Starting June 30, Canadians living with diabetes will have access to a groundbreaking new treatment as Health Canada approves a weekly insulin injection.

Health Matters: Game-changing technique could boost organ transplants in Canada

Doctors at Lawson Health Research in London, Ontario have used a new technique to give kidneys and livers to four patients that typically would not have been viable for transplant. Nivrita Ganguly has the details and more in Health Matters for June 27, 2024.

Ask A Doctor: What Are The Benefits Of Rain Sounds For Relaxation And Sleep?

er=_blank>Therapeutic Benefits Of RainThis article explores the therapeutic benefits of rain and how it can help to improve sleep quality and reduce stress and anxiety. It examines the scientific evidence of how rain sounds can induce a calming effect and how decreased air pressure and oxygen levels can lead to increased melatonin synthesis. Expert opinions from two medical professionals are provided to explain the therapeutic benefits of rain...

Foods that strengthen blood vessels and lower cholesterol: Trainer's picks

A healthy diet and regular moderate physical activity are two key factors that affect heart and vascular health. Ukrainian coach Yuriy Popko discusses what foods should be in the diet for vascular health. Strengthening blood vessels In the first place are foods that strengthen blood vessels and improve their elasticity. These are vegetables, herbs,...

Sleep therapist reveals 5 key ways to get a better night's rest

Follow this advice for no more sub-par slumbers.

Nancy Pelosi says voters’ questions about Joe Biden are ‘legitimate’ and calls on president to hold interviews

Nancy Pelosi says voters’ questions about Joe Biden are ‘legitimate’ and calls on president to hold interviews - Former Speaker of the House suggested Biden and Trump should undergo ‘tests’ at the request of voters

Takeaways from AP's report on access to gene therapies for rare diseases

The promise of gene therapy looms large for families dealing with rare, genetic disorders. Such treatments offer the possibility of one-time cures.

In wake of Supreme Court ruling, Biden administration tells doctors to provide emergency abortions

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration told emergency room doctors they must perform emergency abortions when necessary to save a pregnant woman’s health, following last week's Supreme Court ruling that failed to settle a legal dispute over whether state abortion bans override a federal law requiring hospitals to provide stabilizing treatment.

Are Collard Greens Good For Weight Loss? A Review By Nutrition Professionals

Ask A Nutrition Professional: Are Apples Low In Calories?

Expert opinion from Kelsey Masso Master of Science in Health and Wellness Management /Bachelor of Science in Food and Nutrition · 2 years of experience · USA Yes, apples are low in calories. A medium-sized apple has about 95 calories. Apples are a good source of fiber and vitamins A and C. They also contain a substance called pectin, which can help...

What’s the Deal with Acid Reflux Medications and Dementia?

A new study links popular acid reflux medications and dementia—and it’s not the first.

Professional Faqs: What Should Be The Intake Of Turmeric Per Day To Reduce Inflammation?

Expert opinion from Krishna Priya Appali M.Sc. Food & Nutrition · 7 years of experience · India Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory spice ingredient. This helps in improving immunity of an individual. It can be taken in any form. Like in the form of liquid, solid. Generally, in Indian recipes, turmeric is regularly added to enhance the taste, flavor, ...

Ask A Nutrition Professional: What Is The Nutrient Value Of Chia Seeds?

Expert opinion from Kelsey Masso Master of Science in Health and Wellness Management /Bachelor of Science in Food and Nutrition · 2 years of experience · USA Chia seeds are a nutritious food that offers a variety of health benefits. Chia seeds are high in fiber, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids. They also contain antioxidants and minerals such as c...

Scientists discover that people who live past 90 have key differences in their blood

Centenarians have become the fastest-growing demographic group in the world, with numbers approximately doubling every 10 years since the 1970s. Many researchers have sought out the factors and contributors that determine a long and healthy life. The dissolution isn't new either, with Plato and Aristotle writing about the ageing process over 2,300 ...

20 Foods That Prevent Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D is one of the biggest components for healthy bones, yet plenty of people suffer from a significant lack in their diet. Let’s dive into which foods are a good source of vitamin D so you can keep that skeleton strong—and know what to reach for in the grocery store.

Nadia Bartel and sister Michelle Ring open up about their breast cancer scares and stress the importance of check-ups: 'We've had a bit of a journey'

Nadia Bartel has opened up about her breast cancer scare when she was 18 years old.

7 questions to ask your doctor to get the most out of your appointment

Alzheimer's transmitted from person to person

The findings have major ramifications.

Unlock the Power of Ginger Lemon Cayenne Pepper: Nutrition Professional Insights

This article examines the health benefits of ginger, lemon, and cayenne pepper. The polyphenolic compound effect of ginger, vitamin C in lemon, and capsaicin in cayenne pepper are all discussed, and how they can reduce inflammation, prevent lifestyle disorders, and increase immunity. Additionally, the article provides advice from experts on how to incorporate these ingredients into detox and thermogenic shots or teas.

ADOPTING diets to stave off diabetes in your 40s could keep you fit

Eating plenty of vegetables, whole grains and lean meats in middle age was found to help keep chronic illnesses and cognitive decline at bay decades later, according to Harvard University experts

Questions About Air Quality And Outdoor Activities? Doctors Have The Answer.

5>Doctor of Medicine (MBBS) · 2 years of experience · India This article examines the effectiveness of N95 masks in protecting against drywall dust. The N95 masks are designed to filter out particles that are at least 0.3 microns in size. However, drywall dust particles are much larger than this, and therefore can easily pass through the N95 masks. The N95 masks may be effective in filtering out smaller particles, but they are not effective in...

Untreated water tied to salmonella outbreak in cucumbers that sickened 450 people in US

Untreated water used by a Florida cucumber grower is one likely source of salmonella food poisoning that sickened nearly 450 people across the U.S. this spring, federal health officials said Tuesday.

Coach explains how running can seriously harm health

For most people, physical activity, including running, is associated with health and achieving a great body shape. However, engaging in such an active sport without proper preparation can be detrimental to your health, according to Ukrainian doctor and coach Uliana Verner. How running can cause harm According to experts, if you engage in running pr...

How Long Does Adderall Stay in Your System, How to Detect It & More

The detection window for Adderall varies based on the test you take but it can stay in your system anywhere from 12 hours to 90 days. Find out why and how.

Childhood Obesity : What Is It & Treatments

Overview A condition in which a child has a weight which is above the normal levels for their age and height. Symptoms Symptoms can include, being overweight, stretch marks, early puberty, shortness of breath and low self-esteem. → Common treatment options → Questions to ask your doctor What are people curious about?Monjuvi medicationMultiple myelo...

10 morning symptoms that could mean you have a common health condition

Why The Nutrition Professionals Love Guava, Nutritional Benefits And Serving Size Guidelines

Ask A Nutrition Professional: Are Sweet Potatoes Good For People With Diabetes?

Expert opinion from Kelsey Masso Master of Science in Health and Wellness Management /Bachelor of Science in Food and Nutrition · 2 years of experience · USA Yes, sweet potatoes are good for people with diabetes. Sweet potatoes are a low-glycemic food, which means they don't cause a sudden spike in blood sugar levels. They're also a good source of ...

Is reheating rice dangerous ? Debunking food myths with this Montreal doctor

Dr. Christopher Labos, epidemiologist, cardiologist and author of Does Coffee Cause Cancer ? And 8 More Myths About the Food We Eat, discusses myths about dark chocolate, red wine and breakfast.

Health Matters: Smoking class action members still waiting for compensation

Five years ago, Quebec's highest court upheld a landmark ruling that ordered three major tobacco companies to pay billions of dollars to smokers who fell ill or got addicted. But the roughly 100,000 members of the two class action lawsuits still haven't received a cent. Katherine Ward has this story and more in Health Matters for July 2, 2024.

How Much Collagen Should I Take? Types, Dosage and More

How much collagen to take isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. It’s about finding the right balance for your body’s unique needs. Read to find out your dosage.

10 things that happen to your body when you stop drinking alcohol

Why full-fat milk and dairy was better for us all along

“It’s the young people, apparently,” said the elderly man at my elbow, crouched – like I was – on the floor of Waitrose, looking mournfully at the shelf where the whole milk should be. Not for the first time that week it was bare, bar one small, lonely bottle. “They buy it as soon as it comes in. They’ve found out about it on TikTok, that video thi...