

Health Matters: Understanding connected health technology

London Drugs pharmacist Jarvis Li discusses how health tracking technologies can be used to maintain overall wellness.

Skincare expert warns against expired sunscreen dangers

Skincare experts have urged Brits to check their sunscreen expiry date to avoid little-known dangers. With around 56 per cent of people having experienced sunburn during the last UK heatwave, Brits have been urged to ditch expired SPF products to ensure full protection of the skin. "When buying SPF, look for products that print expiry dates in full...

US miners' union head calls House Republican effort to block silica dust rule an 'attack' on workers

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — The head of the national mine workers’ union on Friday condemned what he characterized as an effort by House Republicans to block enforcement of a long-awaited federal rule directed at curbing workers' exposure to poisonous, deadly rock dust, calling it “a direct attack on the health and safety of coal miners.”

What to do if you wake up at night and can't get back to sleep, according to expert

Getting a decent night's sleep is important for our health, but a lot of us don't get the recommended eight hours. Three-quarters of Brits get less than eight hours of sleep, while one in six get by on less than six hours each night, according to YouGov. Meanwhile across the pond, over 17 per cent of adults had trouble staying asleep most days or e...

Health-care sector turning to temporary foreign workers like never before

While the health-care sector represents a small fraction of Canada's temporary foreign worker program, employers are increasingly turning to it to hire nurse aides and other staff. Read more:

A friend's clumsy question about my mental health taught me an important lesson

It made me feel like I couldn't talk to them about it again because it was so clear they didn't understand mental illness at all.

New weight loss drugs are on the way — and the health benefits are even more promising

New weight loss drugs are on the way — and the health benefits are even more promising - New drugs could improve liver and heart function while reducing side effects such as muscle loss and nausea common to existing medications

What to Eat (Swahili) - Diabetes Series

Nini kinafaa kula. By Global Health Media Project: Over thousands of years, people have learned to combine different foods to create healthy ways of eating – with the exception of the modern western diet. The shift to highly processed foods, worldwide, underlies the rise of obesity, diabetes, and other diet-related chronic diseases. Although there is no single ideal diet, this video describes how to eat a healthy diet by eating real whole food – as our families ate before the coming of industrialized food. This video is one of over 30 videos in our series on diabetes prevention and care. The videos are targeted for three audiences: health care workers – to help guide providers in developing countries in good diabetes care; people with diabetes – to improve their knowledge and home care; and the general public – to increase their understanding of diabetes, with the aim of greater awareness of the risks and symptoms, and ways to prevent type 2 diabetes. Copyright © 2023 Global Health Media Project. All rights reserved.

Scientists discover that people who live past 90 have key differences in their blood

Centenarians have become the fastest-growing demographic group in the world, with numbers approximately doubling every 10 years since the 1970s. Many researchers have sought out the factors and contributors that determine a long and healthy life. The dissolution isn't new either, with Plato and Aristotle writing about the ageing process over 2,300 ...

Free English Class! Topic: Health Care and Medicine 👩‍⚕️💊🩺

In this English lesson you'll learn words and phrases about Health Care and Medicine. This topic has always been very popular, and although I did this lesson a few years ago, it's worth repeating. It seems that many people who are learning English are curious to know this vocabulary for when they are visiting a hospital and talking to a doctor or nurse. In this lesson I will help you learn the English meaning, and English pronunciation of over 40 English words that you would use when visiting the doctor or hospital. In this English lesson you'll learn words like: stethoscope, thermometer, diagnosis, symptoms, wheelchair, surgeon, specialist, paramedic, air ambulance, waiting room, emergency room, blood pressure, vital signs, intravenous, and more! Your health is the most important thing! I hope you enjoy this English video lesson about Health Care and Medicine! Have a great day! ✅ This lesson has a study pack that you can find right here: ⌛ Remember: Always watch the video three times. Twice today with English subtitles on, and once tomorrow with the English subtitles off. This will reinforce the English you have learned! -- ✅ Support Me and Get These Members Only Perks: 😀💲 If you would like to become a member of my channel here is the link: Becoming a member at every level has these benefits and perks: 1) For 10 minutes during each live stream you will be able to participate in the "Members Only" chat. 2) A cool crown beside your name during live streams and when making comments on videos. 3) Your name in green during live stream lesson chat. 4) You will have access to a members only video each Wednesday called, "Wednesdays with Bob". These are behind the scenes bonus videos with full English transcripts for your listening practice. 5) A full transcript for every Tuesday video. ✅ Join now to receive these perks: I really appreciate those you that have chosen to thank me in this way! Please only support me if you can afford it! If you prefer to support me via Patreon, here is a link to that page: Thank you for your generosity! -- ✅SEND ME A POSTCARD: Bob the Canadian P.O. Box 419 Smithville, Ontario Canada L0R2A0 -- TAKE YOUR ENGLISH CONVERSATIONS TO THE NEXT LEVEL: ✅Talk to a real English tutor / teacher at preply: (This is an affiliate, signing up for this service helps support my channel). -- FOLLOW ME: ✅ I have a second Youtube channel right here: ✅ P.S. If you are interested I have created a podcast of my shorter English lessons. It is right here: -- #englishlesson #learnenglish #bobthecanadian **Note: All images used under: CC0 License ✓ Free for personal and commercial use ✓ No attribution required From or

Orange creamsicle or minty watermelon? Homemade popsicles are healthier than in the freezer aisle

One sweltering summer in Southern California, Jessica Gavin was looking for a healthy, cooling treat for her then 2-year-old son.

Ask A Nutrition Professional: How Should Turmeric Be Ingested?

Expert opinion from Rukevwe Natufe MSc Nutrition · 1 years of experience · UK As a shot since the nutrients within this solution has more chance of being absorbed effectively. Achieving your dosage of turmeric in a high-quality blend enables you benefit from other delicious ingredients. An example is when your turmeric shot contains ginger you will...

We must change the prejudices of mainstream medicine against lifestyle intervention

Lifestyle medicine prevents and reverses many chronic conditions and even auto-immune ones.

Ask A Nutrition Professional: Is Dark Chocolate Keto Friendly?

People on TikTok are drinking castor oil — but is it actually good for you?

Doctors are warning people against this 'health' hack.

How Kohlrabi Can Boost Your Health: Tips From Nutrition Professionals

This article examines the potential health benefits of kohlrabi, a cruciferous vegetable, from the perspectives of three health experts. These experts suggest that kohlrabi may help reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases, maintain gut health, ensure weight management, and control the level of glucose and cholesterol in the body. The article also discusses the potential benefits of kohlrabi in terms of Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and...

Takeaways from AP's report on access to gene therapies for rare diseases

The promise of gene therapy looms large for families dealing with rare, genetic disorders. Such treatments offer the possibility of one-time cures.

Muskmelon: Nutrition Professional Opinions, Healthy Portions, And Downsides

Brit who is new world’s oldest man reveals secrets to long life

Warning signs that you have a vitamin B12 deficiency

The 5 most common deathbed regrets, according to a palliative care nurse

Can some medications impact your ability to handle extreme heat? What to know

Medical professionals say certain medications can have an impact on how the body regulates heat and to be aware of your risk factors when high temperatures are expected.

What causes post-infection coughs in adults?

If you've been sick, thought you had recovered, but still have a nagging cough that doesn't go away - you're definitely not alone. The Canadian Medical Association Journal is tackling the subject. Global BC medical contributor Dr. Birinder Narang explains what causes this cough and if it's contagious if you don't have any other symptoms.

Medicine’s Response to the Changing Science on Fluoride Safety

Ironically, the anti-fluoridationists had historically been accused of their "anti-scientific attitudes," but now it’s many of the pro-fluoridationists. How did the medical and dental community react to U.S. regulators’ total 180 over water fluoridation, going from presumptively safe to presumptively dangerous? We can get the best of both worlds with topical application of fluoride, so I continue to advocate for the use of fluoride toothpaste, but pregnant and breastfeeding women may want to consider non-fluoridated water sources to reduce the apparent risk to the developing brain. This is the final video in my series on water fluoridation. If you missed any of the others, see: • Why Is There Fluoride in Water? Is It Effective? ( • Side Effects of Water Fluoridation: Dental Fluorosis ( • Is Water Fluoridation Safe? ( • Why I Changed My Mind on Water Fluoridation ( You can also watch the recording of the webinar that I did on this topic, which includes a Q&A at the end: I mentioned the example of lead exposure. If you want to know more, I have an entire series on that topic, starting with How the Lead Paint Industry Got Away with It ( I have a lot more videos on dental health (, including a series on oil pulling ( and tongue scraping ( New subscribers to our e-newsletter always receive a free gift. Get yours here: Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and someone on the team will try to answer it. UPDATE: We are currently testing the removal of the comment section across all video pages until October, and it will either be reinstated thereafter or removed permanently based on the results. Please feel free to continue your discussions by commenting on our YouTube channel and social media accounts, where we will have Health Support volunteers available to address questions. Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics. Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution! -Michael Greger, MD FACLM Captions for this video are available in several languages; you can find yours in the video settings. View important information about our translated resources: • Subscribe: • Donate: • Podcast : • Books: • Shop: • Facebook: • Twitter: • Instagram:

Millions of people in Canada have sleep apnea. The problem is not all of them realize it

Krista Biddiscombe is one of the millions of Canadians living with sleep apnea. Despite facing challenges getting a diagnosis, she says her sleep improved the moment she began treating her condition with a CPAP machine.

Eating disorders in adolescents

The Canadian Paediatric Society has released new guidelines urging primary-care providers to screen all adolescent patients during routine checkups or other medical visits. Joining us is Dr. Holly Agostino of the Montreal Children's Hospital at McGill University's Health Centre.

4 qualities of mentally strong people: Check yourself

Mentally strong or resilient individuals are often described as those who achieve great feats despite significant challenges. Yet, we rarely speak of ourselves in that light, thinking we lack self-assurance or due to our imperfections. RBC-Ukraine, based on Psychologies, discusses the qualities of mentally strong individuals. Psychological resilien...

As COVID-19 ticks up in some places, US health officials recommend a fall vaccination campaign

NEW YORK (AP) — With fresh COVID-19 cases bubbling up in some parts of the country, health officials are setting course for a fall vaccination campaign.

7 questions to ask your doctor to get the most out of your appointment

Crisis in the UK’s NHS shows why Conservatives are struggling after 14 years in power

LONDON (AP) — Nathaniel Dye believes he probably won’t live to see Britain’s next election. But the music teacher diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer is doing everything he can to make sure the Labour Party wins this one.

Is Radish A Superfood? Find Out What The Nutrition Professionals Say, Get Serving Sizes, And Health Benefits

Lupus and other autoimmune diseases strike far more women than men. Now there's a clue why

WASHINGTON (AP) — Women are far more likely than men to get autoimmune diseases, when an out-of-whack immune system attacks their own bodies — and new research may finally explain why. It’s all about how the body handles females’ extra X chromosome, Stanford University researchers reported Thursday — a finding that could lead to better ways to dete...

Live Like a Singaporean: 10 Habits for Staying Healthy Past 90

Is Coffee Good or Bad? New Study Finds the Answer in Your Genes

Scientists have been trying to figure out whether coffee is good or bad for our health for ages, and a new study has shown that the impact of drinking coffee depends on one's genes. The study also showed that a person's coffee-drinking habits depend on their genetic makeup as well, has learned. The study was conducted by an international ...

Dermatologist's insight on shower frequency without harming skin

Some take a shower every morning and evening, while others only have water procedures a few times a week. It's worth knowing how often to shower to prevent dryness, itching, and skin irritation, according to the Express website. What will happen if you shower frequently? Dermatologist Jenny Liu mentions that many believe frequent washing, especiall...

Health warning issued for UK takeaways — here’s how it might affect you and how to cope

Calories aren't everything.

Ask A Nutrition Professional: Can Saffron Bring Down Periods?

Expert opinion from Michael Colangelo Master of Science (M.S.) in Nutrition · 15 years of experience · USA Saffron has been studied in women with Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). In two studies with a total of about 125 women, 20-30 mg of saffron daily was shown to notably reduce symptoms of PMS compared to placebo. This includes depression and mood sy...

Alzheimer's transmitted from person to person

The findings have major ramifications.

The 10 Best and Worst Foods for Your Kidneys, According to Dietitians

Learn what to eat more of and what to limit to support healthy kidneys.

Federal government expands dental care support to youth, persons with disabilities

"These stories tell us that this is so much more than a bill passed in parliament," Health Minister Mark Holland said on Thursday. "This expansion will have a positive effect on peoples' lives and a fundamental question about the country we want to have."

Research reveals ideal number of steps per day

It is widely believed that the journey to a healthy and long life begins with taking 10,000 steps every day. For those leading a sedentary lifestyle, this target may seem like a challenging goal that requires some effort. However, in reality, the number of steps needed can vary for different groups, writes The Lancet. Researchers analyzed data from...

Health Matters: U.S. surgeon general declares gun crisis

The U.S. surgeon general is declaring gun violence a public health crisis, amid a growing number of injuries and deaths involving firearms in the country. Amandalina Letterio has the details and more in Health Matters for June 26, 2024.

Lower your risk of falling as you get older with these simple steps

One in four older adults in the U.S. will fall each year, putting them at risk of injury, broken bones and even death.

Health Matters: Experts urge caution using fireworks ahead of Canada Day

Following last year's record fire season, experts are warning of the inherent danger in fireworks. Nivrita Ganguly has the details and more in Health Matters for June 28, 2024.

Signs of burnout at work: Psychologist's advice

In the modern world, many people are grappling with burnout at work. It's challenging to shake off, as peaceful weekends spent with loved ones are no longer sufficient. It is crucial to promptly identify the problems and find solutions, according to Psychological Support. Who is at risk If the issue is not addressed early on, burnout can lead to wo...

I'm Pansexual, and Here's What I Want You to Know

The first time I came out to my parents was in 2013.

11 dishes to avoid at buffets, as warned by food experts

4 Questions To Ask Yourself If You Think You Are In A Toxic Relationship

If spending time with your partner feels like it drains, upsets or hurts you, you might be in a toxic relationship. However, it’s not always that easy to tell when you’re in a relationship that’s toxic versus one that’s going through a rough patch — especially if you’re in love and have rose tinted vision. We talked to two relationship experts about how to identify a toxic relationship, and what to do if you’re in one. Julie Schwartz Gottman,...

Parsnip: Just How Much Is Good For You And Nutritional Benefits

Surprising health benefits of often misjudged foods

In the world, there is a wide variety of products, and scientists regularly identify the most beneficial as well as the harmful ones. Among the products that are not recommended for consumption are many that we eat every day. RBC-Ukraine, based on WebMD, discusses products that many consider harmful but are actually beneficial. Pasta A healthy diet...