According to a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, isometric exercise — exercises that use your muscles without movement — can lower blood pressure.

Wall sits and planks are examples of such exercises, per The Washington Post.


What are other exercises that reduce blood pressure?

1. Cardio

Aerobic exercise is proven to lower blood pressure. Health experts even suggest that breaking up your workout into several short sessions throughout the day could be the best way to combat high blood pressure levels, according to Honor Health.

Examples of cardio include:

  • Brisk walking.
  • Jogging.
  • Biking.
  • Stationary cycling.
  • Swimming.
  • Dancing.

Consider taking an aerobic class if it’s hard to figure out routines or you find it better to be with a group.

2. Weight training

A review published in Scientific Reports found strength training effectively reduces blood pressure. Researchers found strength training was most effective when done at least twice a week for two months or more with moderate to vigorous intensity.

While it’s important to talk to your doctor or a professional before starting a strength training program, Verywell Health shares some of the best exercises to try for beginners.

  • Bicep curls: Focuses on the muscles at the front of the upper arm, helping to strengthen them and support shoulder stability.
  • Tricep extensions: Targets the muscles at the back of the arm, aiding in improving arm and shoulder flexibility and range of motion.
  • Chest press: Works the pectoral, deltoid and tricep muscles, enhancing upper body strength and assisting in tasks like pushing strollers, handling shopping carts, or opening heavy doors.
  • Leg extensions: Helps strengthen the quadriceps muscle and ligaments around the knee. This exercise also reduces the risk of leg injury and enhances muscle endurance.
  • Hamstring curls: Builds muscles at the back of the upper leg to improve the function of the legs, knees, back and hips.

3. Breathing exercises

A study published in ScienceDirect found that breathing exercises can reduce blood pressure levels in patients with hypertension, high blood pressure.

Here’s a beneficial breathing exercise, per Detroit Medical Center:

  1. Inhale slowly for five seconds, concentrating on expanding your lungs.
  2. Exhale slowly for five seconds.
  3. Repeat this for 20 minutes several times a week.

4. Everyday ‘exercises’

You can reduce blood pressure by doing everyday tasks that involve some form of exercise.

According to Cleveland Clinic, doing 30 to 45 minutes of work in the yard helps. Specific examples may include gardening, mowing the lawn or raking leaves.

While at work, if possible, use a desk treadmill or bike. Doing these exercises for at least 10 minutes every hour can cause optimal blood pressure readings, per Honor Health.

Why is high blood pressure bad?

Blood pressure is a measurement of the force the heart applies to circulate blood throughout the body. Maintaining blood pressure within a healthy range is crucial. Elevated blood pressure can result in serious complications such as a stroke, heart attack or kidney failure, according to Medical News Today.

Are there other ways to manage high blood pressure?

Besides exercising, other high blood pressure treatments include making lifestyle changes and taking medications. Lifestyle changes may include eating a healthy diet, limiting alcohol intake, quitting smoking, improving sleep and reducing stress, per Mayo Clinic.

If you have high blood pressure, talk to your doctor for more ideas about how to manage and reduce your levels.


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