Expert opinion from J Vinay Reddy

MBBS · 4.5 years of experience · India

Rhabdomyolysis is the breakdown of muscle fibers and leakage of muscle contents into the blood circulation. It's signs and symptoms can be muscle pains, muscle weakness and dark red/brown colored urine. It sometimes causes impaired kidney functions. To prevent rhabdomyolysis identification and immediate management of its various causes by your physician is paramount. Some causes are crush injuries, high-voltage electrocution, hypo perfusion due to thrombosis, high-body temperature syndromes like malignant hyperthermia and causes like metabolic myopathies, regular and recreational drug overdosage, local infection and sepsis electrolyte impairments.

Expert opinion from Shruti Rodda

MBBS · 3 years of experience · India

It is prevented by not over-exercising in extreme heat conditions and taking balanced diet with fresh fruits and vegetables. Take proper fluid content and keep yourself hydrated. Electrolyte replacement should also be done to prevent rhabdomyolysis. These plenty of fluids dilute the urine and flush out myoglobin out of the kidney.

Learn more about rhabdomyolysis: See the causes, symptoms, treatment options and more.

See more questions and expert answers related to rhabdomyolysis.

Expert opinion from Alex T. Thomas

MD · 40 years of experience · USA

Following regular exercise, staying hydrated, avoiding alcohol can prevent rhabdomyolysis. Drinking lots of fluid after exercise can prevent rhabdomyolysis.

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