

3 Creators On Why We Need To Talk About Mental Health & Wellness

“I’ve redefined what beauty means to me and choose to see myself and my body as beautiful,” body confidence creator Tiffany Ima told Refinery29 last month. That was just one of the wow-I-needed-this pieces of wisdom shared with us during Mental Health Awareness Month on Threads, where we partnered with Meta to host a series of interactive Q&As. Each chat put a spotlight on mental health, wellness, and other topics that are often not discussed...

Why experts recommend wearing slippers at home

The best podiatrist approved slippers for men and women provide arch and heel support. Shop options from Ugg, L.L. Bean and more.

Common Blood Pressure Drug Increases Lifespan, Slows Aging in Animals

The hypertension drug rilmenidine has been shown to slow down aging in worms, an effect that in humans could hypothetically help us live longer and keep us healthier in our latter years. Previous research has shown rilmenidine mimics the effects of caloric restriction on a cellular level. Reducing available energy while maintaining nutrition within the body has been shown to extend lifespans in several animal models. Whether this translates to...

Can You Have Too Much B12?

Medically reviewed by Allison Herries, RDN Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin used in the body to ensure the optimal health of blood and nerve cells. It also helps to create DNA genetic material and prevents a condition known as megaloblastic anemia. Vitamin B12 is generally considered safe, even at high doses. Most people get almost all of their ...

Skincare expert warns against expired sunscreen dangers

Skincare experts have urged Brits to check their sunscreen expiry date to avoid little-known dangers. With around 56 per cent of people having experienced sunburn during the last UK heatwave, Brits have been urged to ditch expired SPF products to ensure full protection of the skin. "When buying SPF, look for products that print expiry dates in full...

I learned the hard way what present you shouldn't give a person with cancer

I put another freshly delivered bunch of flowers into a saucepan, having long since run out of vases and pint glasses.

Health officials tell US doctors to be alert for dengue as cases ramp up worldwide

NEW YORK (AP) — U.S. health officials on Tuesday warned doctors to be alert for dengue cases as the tropical disease breaks international records.

Check your child’s swimwear before you go on holiday — it could save their life

Climate change could make fungi more infectious and dangerous to humans

The effects of climate change could make fungi increasingly dangerous to humans, experts have warned. Climate change is one of the most important factors affecting the world as we know it, with warnings that the human body is struggling to cope with new higher temperatures in Europe and that flora and fauna are having a hard time adapting to a warm...

Is It Good To Eat Celery In The Morning? A Review By Nutrition Professionals

It doesn't matter if you've never smoked — lung cancer symptoms you need to know

Jonnie Irwin's death has put lung cancer misconceptions in the spotlight.

Ask A Nutrition Professional: What Is A Good Substitute For Cantaloupe?

Health Matters: Celine Dion opens up about stiff person syndrome

Singer Celine Dion says she's been battling her rare illness for 17 years and, at one point, was taking nearly lethal doses of Valium to deal with the terrifying symptoms. The Canadian superstar opened up about her life-altering neurological disorder during her emotional sit-down interview with NBC's Hoda Kotb Tuesday night. Katherine Ward has this story and more in Health Matters for June 12, 2024.

Chart reveals how long your dog's got to live

We want them all.

What Is the Average Height for Women?

Medically reviewed by Jonathan B. Jassey, DO The average height for women is different across the world. In the United States, the average height for women is 5 feet 3.5 inches tall. Globally, women's average height ranges from 4 feet 11 inches to 5 feet 7 inches. The average height for women worldwide varies significantly due to factors like genet...

When Is the Best Time to Take Magnesium? Experts Explain

Magnesium is important to the health of your bones, heart, brain and more.

Is Burdock A Superfood? Find Out What The Nutrition Professionals Say, Get Serving Sizes, And Health Benefits

Cutting Back on One Amino Acid Increases Lifespan of Middle-Aged Mice Up to 33%

A new study in mice found limited intakes of one particular essential amino acid slowed the impacts of ageing and even lengthened their lifespan. Scientists are now wondering if these findings could help people improve their longevity and quality of life. Isoleucine is one of three branched-chain amino acids we use to build proteins in our bodies. It is essential for our survival, but since our cells can't produce it from scratch, we have to get...

Health Matters: Saskatchewan study documents Black medical experience

Medical researchers at the University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine looked inward for their latest study. It’s an attempt to capture the experiences of racism faced by Black medical school students. The findings are published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal and document a litany of indignities reported by students and residents. Katherine Ward has this story and more in Health Matters for June 10, 2024.

Scientists discover that people who live past 90 have key differences in their blood

Centenarians have become the fastest-growing demographic group in the world, with numbers approximately doubling every 10 years since the 1970s. Many researchers have sought out the factors and contributors that determine a long and healthy life. The dissolution isn't new either, with Plato and Aristotle writing about the ageing process over 2,300 ...

How to Know When It’s Time to Retire

Ask yourself the right questions to tell whether you’re ready to close the chapter on your career.

What to do if you wake up at night and can't get back to sleep, according to expert

Getting a decent night's sleep is important for our health, but a lot of us don't get the recommended eight hours. Three-quarters of Brits get less than eight hours of sleep, while one in six get by on less than six hours each night, according to YouGov. Meanwhile across the pond, over 17 per cent of adults had trouble staying asleep most days or e...

Past COVID infections may help protect against certain colds. Could it lead to better vaccines?

If you’ve been sick with COVID-19, you may have some protection against certain versions of the common cold.

New weight loss drugs are on the way — and the health benefits are even more promising

New weight loss drugs are on the way — and the health benefits are even more promising - New drugs could improve liver and heart function while reducing side effects such as muscle loss and nausea common to existing medications

10 Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer, According to Doctors

Getting screened regularly can help reduce your risk.

7 Essential Fitness Skills Every Man Must Know

👉We're wearing TLF. Use our code TLF-BUFF for 15% off at 🍖🥦 Buff Dudes Cookbook: 😎 JOIN THE BUFF CLUB: 👉GRAB OUR WORKOUT PLANS: 👉 👈 Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly food recipes, exercise tutorials and Buff Dudes updates Essential skill 1 Balance: This is the foundation of all movement. Good balance improves coordination, creates better posture, reduces falls, and helps with activities like carrying objects or playing sports. Here are two great exercises to help you become balanced: Single leg stands: Stand on one leg for 30 seconds, and then repeat on the other side. Hold onto something for support if needed. (Beginner) Walking on a balance beam: This one helps to improve focus and core engagement. (Intermediate) Essential skill 2 Running: A basic human function, running improves cardiovascular health, builds leg strength, and is a great way to stay fit. Whether you’re using it for cardio, sports or even evading danger - running is one of the most essential skills we as human beings possess. Here are two great exercises to help you become a better runner: Interval training: Alternate between periods of high-intensity running and recovery speed walking. (Beginner/Intermediate) #fitness #workout #exercise Running drills: High knees, butt kicks, and jumping rope while moving forward improve running form and coordination. (All Levels) Essential skill 3 Crawling: It’s not just for babies! Crawling improves core strength and shoulder stability. Staying low under smoke, squeezing through tight spaces, or performing military drills - crawling offers stealth and access in tough situations. Here are two great exercises to help up your crawling game: Bear crawls: Improves core and shoulder stability. Start on hands and knees, then alternate opposing arms and legs while keeping your back flat. Slow and controlled is the name of the game. (Beginner/Intermediate) Inchworm: Great for core and upper body strength. Start standing, then walk your hands down until you’re in a plank position, then walk your feet back up to meet your hands and repeat. (Intermediate/Advanced) Essential skill 4 Jumping: Improves explosive power, leg strength, and coordination. In addition to sports, jumping will help you clear obstacles or help you grab items just out of reach. A good jump can literally be a lifesaver. Here are three great exercises to help you increase your jump: Squat jumps: Builds intense power. Do a bodyweight squat then jump explosively as high as you can. (Beginner/Intermediate) Box jumps: This helps to increase your jump height. Use a sturdy box, and jump explosively to land on top, starting with a shorter box and progressively working your way up to taller ones. (Intermediate/Advanced) Single leg hops: Improves balance and leg strength. Hop on one leg for repetitions, then switch. (All Levels) Essential skill 5 Climbing: Builds upper body strength and grip strength. In addition, climbing can benefit many sports like gymnastics or kayaking. Daily activities will improve as well, due to climbing’s focus on increased strength and flexibility. Here are two great exercises to help you become a better climber: Rock climbing gyms: The safest way to learn and practice climbing techniques. (All Levels) Pull-ups: Builds upper body pulling strength essential for climbing. (Beginner/Intermediate) Essential skill 6 Lifting: Essential for everyday tasks and helping to build overall strength. Learning proper lifting techniques prevents injuries and back pain. Here are two great exercises to help you learn to properly lift: Deadlifts: Builds total-body strength, improves posture, functional movement and athletic performance. (Beginner/Intermediate with proper form) Squats: Builds lower body strength, improves core stability and greatly helps to improve everyday activities. (All Levels) Essential skill 7 Carrying: Goes hand-in-hand with lifting. A strong core and proper technique ensure you can carry objects safely and efficiently, whether that be building materials on a construction site, food from the grocery store or even other people. Here are three great exercises to help better your carrying skills: Farmer's walk: Hold weights in each hand and walk for distance. Improves grip strength and core stability. (Beginner/Intermediate) Suitcase carry: Hold a weight in one hand and walk for distance, switch hands halfway. Improves core stability and unilateral strength. (Beginner/Intermediate) Walking lunges with weights: Combine the benefits of lunges and carrying weights. It also helps to improve cardiovascular capabilities. (Intermediate/Advanced)

Doctor explains if quiting smoking after long-lasting dependence is too late

There is a myth that quitting smoking after a long history of tobacco use is pointless. However, it's crucial to understand why it's never too late to break this harmful habit and how it can significantly improve health, writes the Center for Public Health. Here's what happens to the body after the last cigarette Within 20 minutes, pulse and blood ...

Can eating leftover rice make you severely ill? Here’s what to know

Often referred to as "reheated rice syndrome," this condition stems from food poisoning caused by Bacillus cereus.

This is how long you should shower for, according to a dermatologist

The ‘everything shower’ might be doing more harm than good…

Eating disorders in adolescents

The Canadian Paediatric Society has released new guidelines urging primary-care providers to screen all adolescent patients during routine checkups or other medical visits. Joining us is Dr. Holly Agostino of the Montreal Children's Hospital at McGill University's Health Centre.

The reality of loneliness among Canada’s elderly. Why is it getting worse?

As Canada grapples with a rapidly aging demographic, experts are sounding the alarm on the increasing mental and physical health impacts of loneliness and social isolation.

‘Rethinking Diabetes’ Review: Beyond Insulin

How best to manage a disease that is now more prevalent than ever? The key may be in our diets.

Lima Bean: Nutrition Professional Opinions, Health Risks, And More

Half a Million US Cats Risk 'Serious Adverse Effects' on Common Drugs

Cats with a certain genetic mutation lack protection against drugs' ingredient from entering the brain, causing severe side effects and sometimes death.

The simple tricks expert says will instantly reduce your stress levels

Can Microdosing Mushrooms Actually Improve Mental Health?

Research is still ongoing.

Lower your risk of falling as you get older with these simple steps

One in four older adults in the U.S. will fall each year, putting them at risk of injury, broken bones and even death.

US surgeon general declares gun violence a public health emergency

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. surgeon general on Tuesday declared gun violence a public health crisis, driven by the fast-growing number of injuries and deaths involving firearms in the country.

Is Coffee Good or Bad? New Study Finds the Answer in Your Genes

Scientists have been trying to figure out whether coffee is good or bad for our health for ages, and a new study has shown that the impact of drinking coffee depends on one's genes. The study also showed that a person's coffee-drinking habits depend on their genetic makeup as well, has learned. The study was conducted by an international ...

My Tongue Feels Rough After Eating Pineapple, What Is The Reason For This? A Review By Nutrition Professionals

Expert opinion from Livia Dickson Chen PhD in Nutrition · 11 years of experience · Brazil This may be related to enzymes present in the fruit, which may be more or less concentrated according to the ripening of the fruit. The ideal is to observe the consumption and try to relate the ripening of the pineapple. If it is something bothersome, it is be...

15 Telltale Signs You're in a Codependent Relationship

Some codependent behavior may be well-meaning, but it can be harmful.

Free and simple lifestyle change can treat lower back pain

Many of us suffer from low back pain.

Young gay Latinos see a rising share of new HIV cases, leading to a call for targeted funding

A KFF Health News and Associated Press analysis found more than half of areas targeted by federal money in recent years saw HIV rates increase for Latinos while decreasing for other racial and ethnic groups. Fernando Hermida is among them. (AP Video: Laura Bargfeld)

Takeaways from AP's report on access to gene therapies for rare diseases

The promise of gene therapy looms large for families dealing with rare, genetic disorders. Such treatments offer the possibility of one-time cures.

I've spent 25 years studying the brain—I never do these 4 things that destroy our memory as we age

Neuroscientist and professor Dr. Charan Ranganath shares the common habits that affect our ability to remember as we get older.

Semaglutide medication's like Ozempic contribute to heart health, study finds

Semaglutide medications can help patients with more than just diabetes according to new research. The SELECT trial found drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy can also improve heart health and long-term weight loss. Doctors call it a breakthrough finding as work continues to understand the full scope of the drugs' benefits. Health Reporter Katherine Ward has more.

Got a mystery itch? Scientists find clues to the cause

Harvard Medical School researchers looking to understand the cause of many unspecified mystery skin itches have found a common bacteria releasing a nerve-activating enzyme may be a culprit in our urge to scratch.

Warning signs that you have a vitamin B12 deficiency

Does Adding Salt to Your Drinking Water Help with Hydration?

With the summer heat in full swing, staying hydrated is important.

Here's How To Tell The Difference Between Burnout And Depression

They can present similarly but may involve different treatment needs.