

Lower your risk of falling as you get older with these simple steps

One in four older adults in the U.S. will fall each year, putting them at risk of injury, broken bones and even death.

Types of health insurance plans | Insurance | Financial literacy | Khan Academy

Sources of health insurance plans are places where you can get coverage to help pay for medical costs. These sources can be your job, the government, or private insurance companies that offer different plans for you to choose from. Learn more at Courses on Khan Academy are always 100% free. Start practicing—and saving your progress—now! Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help! Donate or volunteer today! Donate here: Volunteer here:

Doctors Answer Common Questions About Dental Abscess.

2>Conclusion Dental abscesses can be treated with professional dental care and self-care measures. To prevent abscesses from forming in the future, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene and address any dental issues promptly. This article provides an overview of dental abscesses, how to repair them, and how to prevent them from forming in the future. Expert opinion from two medical professionals is provided, detailing the necessary steps...

Nutritionist explains what helps improve brain function

If you often forget your promises and tasks, it's worth paying attention to your diet and supplements to improve brain function. It's important to know what will help effectively support brain function, according to Instagram of nutritionist Vera Kuryn. What to add to your diet The expert says that 16% of the brain's total mass consists of fat. The...

Prediabetes: A Chance to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes (Vietnamese) - Diabetes Series

Tiền tiểu đường: cơ hội phòng ngừa bệnh tiểu đường loại 2. By Global Health Media Project: Prediabetes is a serious health condition. People with prediabetes have higher blood sugar than normal, but not high enough yet for a diabetes diagnosis. Prediabetes puts people at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. This video shows how a woman with prediabetes makes changes in her food choices and physical activity – leading her to reverse her prediabetes. This video is one of over 30 videos in our series on diabetes prevention and care. The videos are targeted for three audiences: health care workers – to help guide providers in developing countries in good diabetes care; people with diabetes – to improve their knowledge and home care; and the general public – to increase their understanding of diabetes, with the aim of greater awareness of the risks and symptoms, and ways to prevent Type 2 diabetes. Copyright © 2022 Global Health Media Project. All rights reserved.

11 dishes to avoid at buffets, as warned by food experts

We must change the prejudices of mainstream medicine against lifestyle intervention

Lifestyle medicine prevents and reverses many chronic conditions and even auto-immune ones.

What is geopathic stress – and is it a threat to our health?

If you’ve never heard of it, you won’t be alone.

Can eating leftover rice make you severely ill? Here’s what to know

Often referred to as "reheated rice syndrome," this condition stems from food poisoning caused by Bacillus cereus.

Care Plan Your Doctor Would Usually Recommend For Carotid Stenosis

Overview Narrowing of the blood vessels (carotid arteries) in the neck restricting the blood flow to brain and head. Symptoms Early stages do not show any symptoms and most often the first symptom would be stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA, a temporary shortage of blood flow to the brain). → Common treatment options → Questions to ask your d...

How Much Collagen Should I Take? Types, Dosage and More

How much collagen to take isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. It’s about finding the right balance for your body’s unique needs. Read to find out your dosage.

What to Eat - Diabetes Series

By Global Health Media Project: Over thousands of years, people have learned to combine different foods to create healthy ways of eating – with the exception of the modern western diet. The shift to highly processed foods, worldwide, underlies the rise of obesity, diabetes, and other diet-related chronic diseases. Although there is no single ideal diet, this video describes how to eat a healthy diet by eating real whole food – as our families ate before the coming of industrialized food. This video is one of over 30 videos in our series on diabetes prevention and care. The videos are targeted for three audiences: health care workers – to help guide providers in developing countries in good diabetes care; people with diabetes – to improve their knowledge and home care; and the general public – to increase their understanding of diabetes, with the aim of greater awareness of the risks and symptoms, and ways to prevent type 2 diabetes. Copyright © 2023 Global

Ask A Doctor: What Can I Do To Prevent My Scoliosis From Getting Worse?

Expert opinion from Ipsa Arora MD (Internal Medicine) · 5 years of experience · USA Right diagnosis and preventive measures can help you reduce your pain due to scoliosis. Some of the home management tips may include- 1. Bracing according to the type of scoliosis 2. Body massages 3. Choosing a comfortable mattress and chair 4. Chiropractic treatmen...

Doctor shares four things you should never do during sleep paralysis

10 Superfoods You Don’t Need That Much & 10 Worth The Hype

Superfoods are everywhere, from leafy greens and ginger to dark chocolate and chia seeds. All of them are supposedly chock full of benefits, but we’re here to break down which ones live up to the hype and which you should go easy on—even if they come with health benefits.

Guava: Nutrition Tips from the Pros

This article examines the health benefits of guava and provides advice from nutritionists and health experts on how to incorporate it into a healthy diet. The article discusses the potential benefits of guava, such as improving heart health, regulating blood pressure, preventing colds, and helping to prevent cancer and diarrhea. It also covers the nutritional content of guava, such as its high levels of vitamin C, iron, calcium, phosphorus,...

Deadly diets could be fuelling rise in colon cancer in the young

Cases are soaring in the under 50s.

Lentil: Nutrition Professional Opinions, Health Risks, And More

Takeaways from AP's report on access to gene therapies for rare diseases

The promise of gene therapy looms large for families dealing with rare, genetic disorders. Such treatments offer the possibility of one-time cures.

Professional Faqs: What Advantages Do Sweet Potatoes Without Skin Have?

Expert opinion from Kelsey Masso Master of Science in Health and Wellness Management /Bachelor of Science in Food and Nutrition · 2 years of experience · USA Sweet potatoes without skin have several advantages. Compared to white potatoes, they are lower on the glycemic index and therefore do not cause blood sugar spikes as quickly. They are also a ...

Research reveals ideal number of steps per day

It is widely believed that the journey to a healthy and long life begins with taking 10,000 steps every day. For those leading a sedentary lifestyle, this target may seem like a challenging goal that requires some effort. However, in reality, the number of steps needed can vary for different groups, writes The Lancet. Researchers analyzed data from...

Scientists discover that people who live past 90 have key differences in their blood

Centenarians have become the fastest-growing demographic group in the world, with numbers approximately doubling every 10 years since the 1970s. Many researchers have sought out the factors and contributors that determine a long and healthy life. The dissolution isn't new either, with Plato and Aristotle writing about the ageing process over 2,300 ...

4 Lucrative Tax Deductions That Seniors Often Overlook

There are a host of tax breaks available to retirees and older Americans, but they’re easy to miss.

Surprising health benefits of often misjudged foods

In the world, there is a wide variety of products, and scientists regularly identify the most beneficial as well as the harmful ones. Among the products that are not recommended for consumption are many that we eat every day. RBC-Ukraine, based on WebMD, discusses products that many consider harmful but are actually beneficial. Pasta A healthy diet...

How Long Does Adderall Stay in Your System, How to Detect It & More

The detection window for Adderall varies based on the test you take but it can stay in your system anywhere from 12 hours to 90 days. Find out why and how.

Professional Faqs: What Are The Best Preventive Measures To Avoid Waterborne Diseases Like Cholera, Typhoid, And Hepatitis A During Rainy Seasons?

a> and other supplements. This article examines the impact of rain on health and provides expert opinions from two medical professionals on how to prevent waterborne diseases during the rainy season. Dr. Himabindu Sreenivasulu and Dr. Anuvitha Kamath provide advice on how to ensure clean drinking water, prioritize handwashing, cook food thoroughly, exercise caution with street food, stay away from stagnant water, consider vaccinations, and...

How to cure snoring without putting strain on heart: Doctor shares effective tips

Doctor Yuriy Gaborets shared tips on how to cure snoring and improve sleep. This issue not only disrupts rest but also puts a strain on the heart. That's why ignoring snoring is not advisable, states Gaborets in a new video posted on TikTok. Getting rid of snoring once and for all - 8 steps "If there's apnea, it needs immediate treatment," noted th...

Skincare expert warns against expired sunscreen dangers

Skincare experts have urged Brits to check their sunscreen expiry date to avoid little-known dangers. With around 56 per cent of people having experienced sunburn during the last UK heatwave, Brits have been urged to ditch expired SPF products to ensure full protection of the skin. "When buying SPF, look for products that print expiry dates in full...

How many litres of water should you drink a day and does tea count?

Drink up!

How Well Do Medicines Like Fosamax Work to Treat Osteoporosis?

Doctors and patients alike vastly overestimate the power of bisphosphonate drugs, such as Fosamax, to prevent fractures. Most people say they wouldn’t be willing to take many of the most commonly prescribed drugs if they knew how little benefit they actually offered. I recently gave a webinar on osteoporosis, and you can watch the whole recording now ( My previous videos on osteoporosis are also available, so check out Fall Prevention Is the Most Important Thing for Preventing Osteoporosis Bone Fractures ( and Acid Reflux Medicine May Cause Osteoporosis ( What about calcium supplements? See my videos Are Calcium Supplements Safe? ( and Are Calcium Supplements Effective? ( What about drinking milk? See my video Is Milk Good for Our Bones? ( New subscribers to our e-newsletter always receive a free gift. Get yours here: Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and someone on the team will try to answer it. UPDATE: We are currently testing the removal of the comment section across all video pages until October, and it will either be reinstated thereafter or removed permanently based on the results. Please feel free to continue your discussions by commenting on our YouTube channel and social media accounts, where we will have Health Support volunteers available to address questions. Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics. Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution! -Michael Greger, MD FACLM Captions for this video are available in several languages; you can find yours in the video settings. View important information about our translated resources: • Subscribe: • Donate: • Podcast : • Books: • Shop: • Facebook: • Twitter: • Instagram:

Here's What a $5 Million Retirement Looks Like in America

Retirees open up about their financial lives and how they spend their time and money.

This is how long you should shower for, according to a dermatologist

The ‘everything shower’ might be doing more harm than good…

Turnips for Weight Loss: Nutrition Professionals Weigh In

This article explores the potential health benefits of turnips for weight loss. Three experts provide their opinions on the subject, highlighting the low calorie and high fiber content of turnips as beneficial for weight loss. Additionally, the article provides information on other diets, such as the Mediterranean diet, Keto diet, Diabetic diet, and Weight loss diet. The article concludes with a disclaimer that this information should not be...

Health Matters: Celine Dion opens up about stiff person syndrome

Singer Celine Dion says she's been battling her rare illness for 17 years and, at one point, was taking nearly lethal doses of Valium to deal with the terrifying symptoms. The Canadian superstar opened up about her life-altering neurological disorder during her emotional sit-down interview with NBC's Hoda Kotb Tuesday night. Katherine Ward has this story and more in Health Matters for June 12, 2024.

Over a quarter of people are breaking this important coffee rule

Feeling under the weather? These lesser-known immune boosters can help

It's time to give your immune system a much-needed boost.

How Does Coconut Milk Help Remove Tan? A Review By Nutrition Professionals

Expert opinion from Livia Dickson Chen PhD in Nutrition · 11 years of experience · Brazil I don't see how coconut milk can act directly in removing the tan. The tan will disappear naturally through cell renewal and from the moment the skin is no longer exposed to the stimuli of melanin production, whether in natural or artificial tanning. Perhaps a...

Pecan: Nutrition Professionals Weigh In On Health Benefits, Nutrition Facts, And More

Health Matters: Heart failure awareness

Global BC Medical Contributor Dr. Birinder Narang touches on how to spot the signs of heart failure and some of the major factors that could lead to it. He also has more on how the Apple Watch could eventually be a life-saver when it comes to heart health.

Health Canada approves weekly insulin injection for Canadians with diabetes

Starting June 30, Canadians living with diabetes will have access to a groundbreaking new treatment as Health Canada approves a weekly insulin injection.

Balancing technology use for better mental well-being

The Calgary Counselling Centre is encouraging viewers to be mindful of the impact of technology and smartphones on mental health. The centre emphasizes the double-edged nature of new technology, citing both the dangers and the positive impact it can have, like forging meaningful connections and providing easier access to online tools for mental health support.

These UWindsor researchers are working to develop a device to detect and treat brain cancer

Researchers at the University of Windsor are working to develop a device that would be able to detect and treat brain cancer. Lead researcher Simon Rondeau-Gagné told CBC News the goal is to create degradable electronic sensors that could be implanted into the brain of patients suffering from brain cancer — and administer medication as soon as cancer is detected.

Daily Multivitamins Did Not Lower Risk of Death in Healthy Adults Tracked for Over 20 Years

For healthy adults, there is no association between regular multivitamin use and a lower risk of death, according to a new study that analyzed data from nearly 400,000 healthy U.S. adults for more than 20 years. According to researchers at the National Institutes of Health’s National Cancer Institute, who led the study, previous research of multivi...

What drinking coffee every morning does to your stomach

That morning cup of coffee doesn’t just wake you up for the day, it also gives a boost to billions of friendly microbes residing in your digestive system. Because, according to a growing body of research, there is evidence that your espresso may positively influence your microbiome – gut bacteria – leading to better overall health and even a longer...

Can You Lose Weight Eating Peaches? A Review By Nutrition Professionals

Promoting Mental Health: The Holistic Approach of Acupuncture and Consciousness

This series offers integrative theories and models of mental health care that are housed in wellness, resilience, community, and equity. You will learn to identify and connect how mental health and wellness start with structural (economic/political/systemic) and community level interventions as well as individual supports. And you will understand models of care that provide integrative, holistic mental health care through a lens of health equity and apply the principles of holistic mental health and wellness in participants' lives or community efforts. In this program, Dr. Mitch Elkiss discusses the benefits of acupuncture in promoting mental health. Recorded on 06/07/2023. [10/2023] [Show ID: 38990] Donate to UCTV to support informative & inspiring programming: Please Note: Knowledge about health and medicine is constantly evolving. This information may become out of date. More from: Holistic Approaches to Mental Health and Healing (

The 10 Best and Worst Foods for Your Kidneys, According to Dietitians

Learn what to eat more of and what to limit to support healthy kidneys.

How Can Cabbage Affect Blood Sugar? A Review By Nutrition Professionals

Expert opinion from María F. Carzon Bachelor degree in Human Nutrition · 4 years of experience · Argentina Cabbage can slow the absorption of sugar in the blood. Cabbage has a low glycemic index, which indicates that it raises blood sugar very slowly. This low glycemic index is due to the amount of fiber, water, little starch, and other nutrients i...

A Scientist Says Humans Are Rapidly Approaching Singularity—and Plausible Immortality

This solution will help us “overcome the limitations of our biological organs altogether,” he says.

Edible Mushroom: Just How Much Is Good For You And Nutritional Benefits