Is it true that the skin of fruit is packed with vitamins, as our grandparents always claimed? Yes, the skin does indeed contain good nutrients such as fibre (make you feel satisfied), vitamins and minerals.

The skin of fruit receives the most energy because it is exposed to the sun. It protects the inside of the fruit from all weather conditions.

And what about all those pesticides? This is strictly controlled to make sure we don't ingest too many pesticides. Washing fruit aims to remove dirt and dust. However, after washing, the fruit still contains pesticides because they enter the fruit through the pores. This is why removing the peel is recommended.

If you really want the benefits of the peel, buy unsprayed or organic fruit.

If you take this into account, you can safely eat the peel of the following fruits, if you also like them:

-apple: the substances in the peel are anti-inflammatory, prevent high cholesterol and stimulate collagen production. Moreover, it provides your body with fibre and pectin, which prevents constipation.

-pear: the skin of this fruit is packed with vitamin C. There is also plenty of fibre here.

-Citrus fruit: the skin contains the vast majority of vitamin C and is also diuretic.

-grapes: in addition to antioxidants, the skin (and seeds!) contains substances that protect blood vessels and cardiovascular health in general.

-banana: there are countries where they eat banana with peel and all. This is because the peel is full of healthy substances such as potassium, magnesium and vitamins B12 and B6. It does not seem to be very tasty, but if you are a bit creative with the blender, you will probably get a long way.

-Kiwi: this skin will take some getting used to! The strange feeling of those hairs touching your lips after the first bite ... The skin contains vitamins C and E.

-lemon: lemon zest is used in a lot of dishes. This is because the zest possesses an awful lot of aromas that add flavour. It is also rich in vitamin C, B6, fibre and antioxidants. Peels of non-organic citrus fruits are dyed to make them look more attractive. So again, the advice to choose organic.

-Pineapple: the peel is sometimes used to make a healthy and therapeutic tea or a fermented drink. Both these drinks avoid fluid accumulation in the body and improve digestion.

(FVDV for Tagtik/Illustration picture: Unsplash)

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