It is necessary to take certain medications with food, while we should take others on an empty stomach. Certain types of drugs can have contraindications when taken with something like grapefruit juice. Even with supplements, there’s much to be aware of.

Neuroscientist @robertwblove explains what we should, and shouldn’t do when taking this mineral. Listen to his educational video shared on November 27:

He begins by explaining that, according to the USDA, 7/10 Americans are not getting enough of this mineral from our foods.

Related: Pharmacist Describes Most Overlooked Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium is involved in over 300 enzymatic processes inside the body. It’s also critical for healthy bones, brain, and energy. They often find a deficiency of this mineral in Alzheimer’s patients, along with elevated aluminum levels.

The best time to take magnesium, he tells us, is on an empty stomach. Particularly, when we have consumed no foods or beverages that contain calcium because they can inhibit the absorption of this mineral. He reports he likes to take his when he first wakes up in the morning, and then again before bed in the evening. When taking it to help with sleep, he suggests taking it three hours after your last meal.

He also recommends beginning with magnesium glycinate because it’s the least expensive and most bio-available. Always be sure to check with your doctor before beginning any new supplement.

If you often wake up with painful leg cramps, try it. Not only will you sleep better, but you may also get many long-term benefits as well.

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